Category: featured

Serving and Receiving – Two Sides of the Same Coin

Let me tell you a moving story about my grandpa. My grandmother had passed away, and my grandfather who was in his late eighties, was living with his daughter and fading. I visited him and he was happy to see me. We talked for a while and then I visited with my Aunt Carol Lynn.

Later, I made a trip down the hall to the bathroom. As I got close to the door of the room where my grandpa slept, I heard him crying. I stepped in, laid on the bed beside him, and asked, “Grandpa, what’s the matter?” He looked at me with tear-filled eyes and replied, “Time goes by so fast, I can’t catch it.” Grandpa told me how grateful he was for his life and family, how much the time with them had meant to him. He talked about those he had served and those who had served him. Hence the tears, it was all going by so fast.

His answer surprised me because I always thought that as you grow older time would slow down. Now, I’m almost 75 and I know the truth of his words. I never suspected this when I was young. You can’t know until you get there! This story of my grandfather reminds me of two great gifts life offers, serving and receiving.

In 2012, because of an experience, I decided to be more open to receiving help from others. Trust me when I say my progress has been slow! I’ve always prided myself on my independence, ingenuity, and ability to do whatever needs to be done. I have always felt confident in “doing it myself.” However, it’s a challenge to do everything by yourself, all the time, and you miss out on the other side of the coin, the value that comes from receiving. I’ve had to learn this the hard way.

My inspiration to work on allowing others to share in my burdens came because of two people in my life that I loved, both with significant special needs. One was my unofficially adopted daughter, Michelle, in her thirties, and my granddaughter, Maggie. They both had cerebral palsy. Here is their story and how it affected me.

Two Girls Who Understood Both Sides of the Coin

For my adopted daughter, Michelle, time, and her condition took their toll. She was in a wheelchair, had lost many of her former abilities, and lived in a nursing home. She needed help with most daily activities. She passed away a few years ago and has been missed. Maggie, my granddaughter, who is eighteen, was six in 2012. Maggie can’t use her legs and using her hands is a challenge. She cannot feed herself and does not speak. My special needs girls could do virtually nothing on their own.

At Christmastime I had the privilege of spending a full day with Michelle, in the nursing home, helping her make her Christmas presents. With help, Michelle frosted and decorated the cookies and cupcakes I had baked. I held the item and turned it slowly while she did the frosting. Then I would hold and turn it while she sprinkled the decorations. We then bagged the items.

She made a couple of pies for special friends. Michelle did her best to roll out the pie dough, but pressure was an issue. So, I helped her press down while she rolled. Then I assisted her in grabbing hold of the circle of dough and plopping it into the pan. I cut off the excess and Michelle crimped the edges. We baked them in the nursing home oven. She painted pictures for others. I got water, handed her brushes, and turned the paper to the correct angle periodically.

When Michelle gave out her presents on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day she was pleased. She commented to everyone that she had made them all by herself and was proud. She felt the full joy of having done this project. My helping had not diminished her joy or made her feel less than.

I had observed these same feelings while working with Maggie when she was 6 and now when she is eighteen. It doesn’t seem to matter how much help she needs, when it’s done it belongs to her. She takes complete pride and ownership in a job well done. Both Maggie and Michelle love doing it ‘all by themselves.’

I found myself judging this behavior to some degree, back then. After all, they hadn’t really done it all by themselves. All the while, despite my love for these girls, I was massaging my own pride in my many accomplishments and my ability to be so independent. What I had yet to learn was that help from others doesn’t diminish our part or our success in the result. These two beautiful souls understood both sides of the coin perfectly!

Later, as we entered the new year, 2013, I thought deeply about that holiday season and a scripture came to my mind. “Are we not all beggars”? Mo 4:19 Do we not all need a great deal of help every day to both receive and give good gifts to those around us; serving and receiving – two gifts that go hand in hand. Are we not all beggars? I decided then to practice receiving. As I said, it’s been a journey and not an easy one.

As we enter the new year, it’s valuable to stop and evaluate our lives, the opportunity to raise wonderful families and serve others, neighbors, friends, family, and strangers. But we also need to contemplate the value and necessity of receiving from those same people, our family, neighbors, friends, and sometimes strangers. We can lift, teach, and help, but we can also be taught, served, and have our burdens lightened as long we are open to both gifts – serving and receiving.

For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have…Mo 4:19 Receiving help in any form is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of our humanness and an acknowledgment that serving and receiving are two sides of the same blessed coin.

A Real Life Example

As I finalize this message, it is the last day of January 2025. Yesterday, I came face to face with what I have shared with you today. Since August of 2024, I have had some medical issues. I had an appointment in May, but the situation required help sooner. Next week I will be seeing the specialist. My daughter planned to go with me because I need an advocate, so I am listened to and not seen as just another old lady. However, when we took the only earlier appointment they had, it was a date when Jodie was not available. What to do?

I want you to know this wasn’t the article I planned for today. I had worked on a different article earlier in the week. However, on Thursday, as I sat at the computer and looked at the articles I felt drawn to this piece. I read it and decided to use it. That evening my youngest sister stopped by with two of her grands. They wanted a picture with my mom, the great-grandmother. It came out Jodie couldn’t be with me at my appointment. Nanette said, “Hey, I’ll drive down and go with you. I want that doctor to know you’re a writer, smart, and totally organized!” Then she gave me a big smile.

My immediate reaction was to say, “No, you can’t. You live over an hour away. That’s more than two hours on the road. I’ll be Ok.” My sister replied that she would make a trip out of it. One of her sons and his family live just twenty minutes from me, in fact, in the town where the doctor’s appointment is. I was again going to protest. This was my younger sister and I am fully capable of going alone, asking questions, and advocating for myself. Then I had a thought, “Mary Ann, isn’t it interesting that this is the article you chose to work on for this Sunday?” That took me by surprise. I knew I had been reminded of the goal set back in 2012. Needless to say, Nanette is coming and will be helping me out at this important appointment.

This may be something you need to work on, as I have had to. There’s no glory in doing everything by yourself. There is only a heavier burden and oftentimes, loneliness, as you struggle on. It’s a choice! Learn to receive as well as serve. This is a practice, and you can learn to do it with grace, as did my beautiful girls.

It will bless you, your family, those you serve, and those whom you

allow to serve you.

Peaceful Intensity?

My friend Livia read a book about Neal A. Maxwell. In the book, they used the phrase ‘peaceful intensity’ to describe how he managed his busy life. It’s a way of being that can be cultivated. It involves how we perceive what is happening in the moment. Maxwell said you can be busy but still function from a place of peace. As Livia and I talked I wondered, “How can those two words even go together?” I was intrigued by the idea and this unique phrase.

This is becuase I’ve been experiencing this place of busy peace in the last few years. It happens when I have this thought, STOP and TURN. In other words, shift how you see what is happening. When I listen and follow the thought I manage better. Even if the pace doesn’t slow down, my heart does. Imagine how life would be if this was our way of being most of the time.

This experience comes and goes in spurts, but it happens. It has felt as if I’m being taught from on high. As I have learned how it feels I can now consciously choose peaceful intensity. In the last year, I have experienced it more than ever before.

Most of you know I shower at night, not because I need to get clean but because it’s my quiet, ‘talk to God’ place. As I step into the shower on a day where nothing went as planned, but I STOPPED and TURNED, I have recognized a flow, a feeling of moving along without rapids in the river. I could honestly tell God I had done my best and felt satisfied that all that was needful had been done. These shower moments are precious because I go to sleep feeling peaceful despite the actual makeup of the day.

Let me share how it felt just two years ago. I sensed that around 3 pm my day shredded apart. I lost the sense of flow and struggled to stay centered. During my shower time, I felt distracted, disorganized, and dissatisfied. I remember watching the clock, racing it to that 3 pm moment while feeling a sense of panic. During my shower, I would plead with God to be shown how to get control. Funny how God answers prayers.

It isn’t about control, lack of distractions, or getting things ticked off the list. It’s about remaining calm with what is, in other words, peaceful intensity.

Do you know that while writing this I realized I haven’t looked at the clock during the day for some time? I haven’t thought about that 3 pm moment. Why? Has any physical thing changed? No, it hasn’t. Caregiving is filled with interruptions, added tasks, irritations, etc. It’s part of the calling. Doctor appointments haven’t gone away. Managing a home and helping with my granddaughter remains. Dementia is still in my life 24/7. All that changed is that I have worked to let go of the 3 p.m. story and have begun experiencing something new in my heart, peaceful intensity. I know it was an answer to my prayer about control. : ) I’ve been shown that control won’t solve the dilemma of overly busy days. However, how we approach those days, can.


I work diligently to write during the week. I want the article uploaded, edited, and formatted before Saturday. I need the podcast recorded. I want the newsletter to be ready to go. I want Saturday to be free. By free I don’t mean ‘no work or interruptions’, that never happens, but at least no writing deadlines. : )

However, one week in November I left it all until Sat. I began writing at 10 and didn’t finish until 4 because writing takes time and there were the usual interruptions. As I finished, I sat in awe and couldn’t believe how peaceful I felt and how smoothly it had gone despite all I had to manage along with the writing. This is what I have been experiencing more and more often.

Let me share what happened today. It’s January 4, 2025. I was able to have a few days away from home. My goal was to do lots of writing and move into the new year ahead. However, Don had surgery the day after Christmas and my mom had been ill and in great pain for over half the month. I felt I couldn’t go even though I would only be a mile from home. However, my daughter wouldn’t let me change plans.

Every day, from Monday through Thursday, I drove home to make sure all was well. I also had Don’s incision to care for. Tuesday was New Year’s so I spent most of the day and all that night at home. Wednesday, Mom was still ill and Don’s incision needed attending, so I was home for a few hours. That cut into my writing time. On Thursday Don was better and his incision looked great. Mom was up and dressed, crocheting for the first time in two weeks.

Friday, I didn’t go home. I wrote all day and made great progress. I did the same today until around 3 pm. I had enough posts to last a couple of weeks. I was happy and relieved. I planned to write a few articles during the remainder of the day.

Then out of nowhere, I got scammed. I was posting on one of my business pages and received a notification my site was being suspended. You know the rest of the story. They changed my password, and all three sites went down as if they never existed. I couldn’t access our church site which I post on for my calling. I can’t even open a new account.

I spent an hour trying everything that Facebook said to do. Nothing worked. I called my daughter, and she didn’t know what to do. So there I was, two days of writing and no way to use it. I had a moment where I thought I would go home because what was the use? The whole getaway had been a waste. I felt completely discouraged.

Then I had that feeling, STOP and TURN. I went back to my computer and began this article. I felt at peace. We would work it out or not and I could still write for you. All was not lost. That sense of peace moved in and the sense of desperation and hurry that the situation had stirred up, left. As I have written this I’ve been enveloped in peaceful intensity. The trouble isn’t gone. I don’t know what it will take to repair it if it can be repaired. But I’m OK. I went on to write two more articles.

These are two examples of real-life peaceful intensity. In both situations, I had to allow peace to enter my crazy day intentionally.

I’m a novice in this process, so why am I even writing about it? I hope to encourage you to think about practicing peaceful intensity, regardless of what’s happening. I can only share what I have learned so far. I know there’s more, and I will be taught. Then, I will share more.


  • I became aware that there was a new way I could think.
  • I prayed for guidance and help. It’s always wise to ask someone who knows more than you. : )
  • I continue to be aware of my stories and control them. I am pretty good at this part. I’ve been practicing for a decade and a half.
  • I intentionally decided to incorporate peaceful intensity into my way of being.
  • I am practicing, practicing, practicing.
  • Finally, I don’t berate myself on those days when I don’t do well. It is counterproductive.

I haven’t read A Disciple’s Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell by Bruce C. Hafen. I may never get to it. But God can and is teaching me about rest and rejuvenation, as it relates to peaceful intensity.

He can teach you too.  

Nurture Your Child’s Love for Learning: Practical Tips for Parents

This week’s article was written by an online friend of mine, Laura Pearson, who shared it with me via email. When I read her article, I realized that my daughter Jodie has incorporated many of these tips into her home and family life. They’ve been useful to my grands. Although they are all teens now, they have been using tools like these since they were in grade school.

These tips will assist parents using regular school options, as well as those who homeschool. In both cases we want our children to be able to love and feel comfortable learning. Take a look, there may be resources you have missed that would help your children. You may also expand those resources you currently use.

Nurture Your Child’s Love for Learning: Practical Tips for Parents

Parents uniquely influence how children view learning and approach new challenges. Creating an environment where curiosity thrives can deeply impact a child’s enthusiasm for exploring new ideas. Engaging in open conversations and sharing their discoveries can inspire children to see learning as an exciting, ongoing journey. Encouragement and gentle guidance allow them to build confidence and resilience in tackling unfamiliar subjects. The warmth of shared experiences makes learning feel both rewarding and natural, laying a foundation for an enduring connection with education.

Inspire Lifelong Learning by Pursuing Your Education

Pursuing an online degree offers the perfect blend of flexibility and opportunity, allowing you to dive deeper into subjects that fuel your curiosity. If you’ve been putting off getting a degree, this option enables you to pursue your dream while managing other responsibilities. For instance, by choosing a degree in accounting, you can build expertise in managerial accounting, estate taxation, and accounting research through the many available programs. Most importantly, your commitment to higher education sets a valuable example for your children, inspiring them to embrace lifelong learning.

P.S. From Mary Ann – My adult children have commented that my continuing learning has helped them do the same. I finished my undergraduate degree in my 40s with my seventh child on my hip. My son returned to school in his thirties and received a degree in Philosophy. My 50+ daughter Jodie, is currently getting more education in counseling despite being a single mom with four teens, one with cerebral palsy. And so it has gone. Our investment in our education is a powerful example for our kids.

Crafting a Focused Learning Environment for Your Child

Creating a dedicated space for learning at home can significantly enhance your child’s ability to concentrate and be creative. Consider setting up a study area free from distractions, with a desk positioned near a window to take advantage of natural light. This setup not only improves focus but also reduces eye strain. Incorporate ergonomic furniture and organized storage solutions to maintain a clutter-free environment and ensure a reliable internet connection to access online resources. These elements create a conducive atmosphere for learning.

Enhancing Learning with Digital Tools

Digital tools can transform your child’s educational experience by making learning more interactive and engaging. Start by introducing one or two educational apps or online resources to avoid overwhelming them. Interactive quizzes can make review sessions fun, while digital simulations offer hands-on experiences in subjects like science. This approach caters to different learning styles and encourages collaboration and critical thinking, keeping your child motivated and curious.

Enhancing Children’s Reading Experience with Interactive Books

Integrating interactive e-books and audiobooks into your child’s reading routine can make reading more engaging and accessible. These tools cater to various reading abilities and can significantly boost reading test scores. Interactive features in e-books help direct attention to key information, enhancing comprehension. By providing a diverse range of reading materials, you can make reading both educational and entertaining for your child.

P.S. From Mary Ann – My youngest daughter, Kate, has used this extensively with her three children. Audiobooks were part of their daily experience since they were very small. One of her children was diagnosed with ADHD last year. She is twelve, but an excellent reader. I think that is, in part, due to her constant immersion in this type of learning.

Celebrate Reading Achievements to Foster Lifelong Learning

Encourage your child’s love for reading by marking their achievements with rewards that feel meaningful to them. Incentives can inspire children to read more and foster a sense of pride in their accomplishments. When reading feels rewarding, it can become a source of joy rather than a task. This approach helps cultivate a lifelong appreciation for books and storytelling. Celebrating each milestone adds a positive layer to their reading journey, making it something they look forward to.

Harnessing Real-World Scenarios for Effective Problem-Solving Skills

Incorporate real-world scenarios into your child’s problem-solving exercises to enhance their critical thinking skills. Present them with practical challenges, such as deciding what to wear on a rainy day or resolving a disagreement with a friend. This approach helps them develop the ability to make informed decisions and think creatively, equipping them with essential life skills.

Empowering Children Through Community Service Projects

Getting children involved in community service can nurture essential life skills and strengthen their social bonds. Participating in projects that involve teamwork, empathy, and leadership brings these qualities into practice, creating a meaningful space for personal growth. Such experiences introduce children to real-world settings where they can actively apply their interests. When activities connect to what they naturally enjoy, their commitment grows stronger.

Creating an environment that fosters curiosity helps your child feel confident in exploring new ideas and discovering their interests. When children sense genuine interest and encouragement, they feel safe to question and challenge what they see. This atmosphere nurtures a love for learning that can deepen over time, becoming part of how they view the world. As they grow, this foundation supports their natural curiosity and motivation to seek knowledge. Your presence and support can make learning an exciting, ongoing journey rather than just a requirement.

Discover practical tips for strengthening family bonds at Mary Ann Johnson Coach – your go-to resource for relationship transformations for busy parents! (Thank you for adding this, Laura.) : )

Be thoughtful about ways you can help your child love learning. 

What Will 2025 Bring? It’s Up To You!

We Have Entered a New Year.

I’ve thought about how I want this year to feel, what I want to accomplish, and how I want to be. I read and reread my daily commitments (affirmations). I pondered what changes I should make. Was there anything I needed to add? The last two years have been challenging, as I have aged. My ability to do has changed, my energy level is different, my physical strength is less, and other changes have occured. It has been stretching and I’ve had to work to keep a positive attitude about building my life while fulfilling my mission of caring for my family.

Here is the truth – you don’t stop building a life because you grow older or get busy; you stop building a life when you stop doing the things required to build a life. I didn’t want to go to that place. Hence, all the pondering and prayer. I could live another thirty years and I must decide what that will look like, as far as I can control. We can’t control all circumstances, but we can control our response to everything.

I found myself a bit stymied. I mean, my commitments for 2024  were very good and I still had lots of work to do to bring them to fruition. That is mainly because they have to do with my way of being, not manifesting things. Changing your way of being usually takes more than a year.

Another issue, I’m weary. It takes a lot of energy to do what I do every day, and it isn’t going to end soon, thank goodness. Maggie’s only 18 and will be here for decades. My Mom and husband, Don, despite illness and dementia, are hanging in and I want them to. I’m not anxious for the work of caring for them to end because I want them by my side.

That, however, caused me to wonder what I could add for myself, things I might want to learn or do. This last year I finally made a recording of me singing.  That dream had been on my vision wall for almost two decades. I finished the audiobook of my published work, Becoming A Present Parent – Connecting With Your Children in Five Minutes or Less. These were big goals. But what now? What do I have the energy for? P. S. You can find the audiobook on most audiobook sites. It hasn’t been on Audible yet. They take a long time!

My Articles Held Answers!

I had a few days to myself during the New Year holiday and seriously considered these questions. That led me to my blog. I searched for New Year’s Resolutions because I knew I had written about them and better ways to accomplish goals and dreams. What I read astonished me. What I had forgotten amazed me. What I had learned and shared was helpful to me. : )

I realize we are into the second week of the new year, but I’ll bet many of you have yet to think about how and who you will be in 2025. I’ll bet many of you have yet to think about what you want to accomplish and how to find time to do it. I thought the four articles I wrote and then re-read would help you because they helped me! They were written in 2017, 2022, and 2024. These articles have been pivotal in helping me begin thinking about how to put a few goals and dreams into my busy life. It wasn’t until I read the articles, that I could flush out what goals and dreams I still had hidden inside. As of this writing, I am still working on it. It’s January 3 but I’m confident I will have my 2025 commitments (affirmations) along with the attendant goals and dreams, in place by the time you read this. : )

I hope you find these older articles as enlightening as I did, and that the information helps you create a plan for the coming year.

We can only grow as high as we can see. We need a plan and then steps to move forward. We cannot live haphazardly and expect true growth and satisfaction. So read the articles. Take time to think. Pray for guidance. Then create your commitments (affirmations) for yourself. Set goals and don’t be afraid to add a dream.

We’re all working on growth and accomplishing our deeply held desires. No matter how wise, famous, or important they may be, no one has it all done. Life is ever moving forward. If I am still doing this at seventy-four, then you shouldn’t worry if you are doing the same.

1. Say NO to New Year’s Resolutions!! Tools to Make Next Year Better – Dec. 17, 2017
2. Your Goals are Inside You – Jan. 30, 2022
3. Do You Have An Indicator For Your Life?  Aug. 21, 2022
4. Are You Prepared for the New Year? I am NOT talking New Year’s Resolutions! – Jan. 14, 2024

I would love to hear about the progress you make.

Really, I would!

A Simple and Peaceful Holiday Celebration

In 2011 I wrote a three-part series of articles about a principle that helps families manage better. I must confess it’s a principle I still work on because it isn’t easy to keep. I know the stories and the principle are worth repeating because principles never change and when lived, they impact us for good. I’m compiling the three-part series into one article. That will keep it simple for you. LOL

A Simple and Peaceful Holiday Celebration

I believe that intentionally keeping things simple is a principle that leads to peace. I want to share how my husband, Don, and I used this principle in 2011 to have that peace. We decided we weren’t going to spend any money. You heard right, no money (except for shipping.) We would have to give it some thought to bring it about. Also, we were going to be picky about what events we joined in.

We did well at keeping our decision. We did spend a little over $20 on three children, bought some cookie-making ingredients, and Don cheated and bought me a book. He knows I love books. LOL

How This Decision to Simplify Brought Us Peace

We only went shopping once, for forty minutes. Not shopping was an amazing experience. It gave us more time to be together. We spent time each evening curled up on our sofa reading Christmas stories and drinking hot cocoa. It was wonderful. We didn’t have to fight traffic, or crowds, or worry about accumulating debt. That was very freeing.

We sent our grown children books, which we selected out of our personal library. We choose what would be meaningful to them, would help them in some way, or that they would love reading. Our sons, like their dad, are not readers, but Don loves coffee table books, and we knew the boys would too. We also sent mementos of the past that we felt would bring joy and touch the hearts of our children.

What Happened For Two of Our Sons

We sent Seth a karate gee he wore when he was nine. He told me how fun it was to receive because it still fit. He said, “The legs and sleeves are short, but it fits.” He was in his 30’s at the time. He was glad to know that the gee still existed, and he now had it. He loved the gift.

We sent Andrew a Christmas plaque that had hung in our home since the year he was born. I made it and it was a homely little thing. His sister, Jenny, who roomed with him at the time, said when he opened his gift, his eyes got tearful. He said it was a ‘cool’ present and he thought Jenny was a tad jealous. : )

How Did We Do with the Grands

I worried about how our grandchildren would feel about their gifts. To one family, with four children, we sent ten envelopes, each containing a picture or story and six small pieces of candy. Each story or picture had something to do with the Christmas season and its purpose. It was just paper and a few bits of candy. Yet when I asked Marie what the children thought she replied, “They were so excited.” Aubrey, who was eleven said, “We have the best grandma and grandpa in the whole world”. This from an almost teenager!

The grands all loved whatever they got. It didn’t matter if it was large or small. Not one was disappointed that money hadn’t been spent.

Going the Extra Mile and Not Going

For the 21 years we lived in Laurel, MT. my best friend, Linda Brannon, would bring us a HUGE platter of assorted cookies. Because we had seven children, she didn’t bring a token plate, she brought a platter. It was the highlight of the season for our kids, even though I was a baker. LOL For Linda it was a labor of love, and our children knew she loved our family.

About a week before Christmas in 2011, Jodie, my oldest daughter, mentioned she felt nostalgic about those cookies. I decided I would recreate the experience for her as a special gift. I took one Saturday and baked up a storm. Then Don and I gifted the cookies to her.

Later she told me this story. Her husband had been feeling a bit down. He didn’t have the Christmas spirit. Both of Doug’s parents are deceased. Jodie said that when the cookies came into their home his entire countenance changed. He became animated, happy, and full of joy. I think it reminded him of his mother and home.

I decided to have another baking day to give more cookies to other families. In the moment of that thought I had a clear impression, “LET IT GO, it isn’t necessary.” I followed that thought and spent the day loving and being present with my family instead.

And What About Mom?

I wanted to do something special for my mom, she was 80 and lived alone. She had everything she needed as far as worldly possessions. Here is what she didn’t have, the sure knowledge that she has done a good job as a parent even though it ought to be obvious to her. But mothers do this, they worry about what they didn’t do and undervalue what they do.

I pondered what to give her. I had an idea I am sure was from God. It was to write her a letter. I even had thoughts about what to say. I sat down and wrote a nice letter. When I prepared to mail it, I felt, “No, it isn’t done.” I STOPPED and thought about it some more. Then I spent the next five hours rewriting the letter. It took a lot longer than I had anticipated. I dug through old papers and found the poems she had written to accompany her gifts to us.  For example, one year she sent a HUGE box of homemade caramel corn with this poem. 

A Kernel of Love

Sometimes all you can do is not very much

For reasons hard to define.

Yet you’d like to do “oh so many things”

To make everything “just fine”.

This package is all I have to offer

To show how much we care.

But every kernel is a bit of love

And the sweet is the love we share.

May you remember the things we’ve done,

With fondness, with each tasty bite.

And maybe somehow, we can join our souls,

And everything “Will Be Alright”!   

by NaVon Cazier

This was one of our children’s favorite gifts that year. I ended the letter with this:

“All the years of my growing up you demonstrated to me how to live gracefully and abundantly no matter what was happening. I think this has been an amazing gift and has made it possible for me to do the same. All I can give you this year Mom, is my love and gratitude for a mother who lived fully despite lots of kids, no money, no car, and you being alone a lot of the time. It has made all the difference in my life. I love you so much. Merry Christmas.”

One Final Story from Our Christmas of Peace Experiment

My father was an educator. He developed a testing device to find learning disabilities in children and spent many years working with them. However, in his heart of hearts, he was a restaurateur. We always had a drive-in or restaurant of some kind.

He was also a preparer, preparing for what might happen in life. He loved storing food, blankets, water, you name it. When he passed away, we had a basement of ‘stuff’ to sift through. One of the things we found was a box of bagged nutmeg. We are talking pounds of nutmeg! After my five sisters took what they wanted I came home with about 40 pounds of the spice.

As we contemplated what we could do to show our friends, neighbors, and church members our appreciation for their friendship over the years we had an idea. We bagged the nutmeg into ¼ pound bags and tied them to four delicious and delightful nutmeg cookie recipes.

As Kate, our one remaining child at home, and I bagged nutmeg, I felt my father was with us, was happy we hadn’t thrown the nutmeg away, and happy that we were putting it to good use. When we had made over 100 gift bags to share, I had about 6 pounds left. Then I had this distinct impression: “Save the rest. You can barter it.” Good grief, that was so my dad. : )

What About the Parties?

We decided not to attend everything that came along. We were going to be picky about where and when we celebrated. We attended Don’s work party, and one church party, went to Temple Square with my youngest daughter’s future in-laws, and spent time in the homes of family. That was it.

I really do believe that keeping things simple brings peace whether we’re talking about family schedules, how we prepare our homes or yards, birthdays, our work, or the gifts we give at Christmas. It’s paramount to remember what is important. Keeping it Simple, is vital to peace of mind, doing what is needed, and making way for good things to come into our lives.

What I am not saying is that we shouldn’t shop, buy gifts, attend parties, or cook for a week, if that is what we are moved to do. What I am saying is that it’s important to avoid unrealistic expectations from ourselves and others. It’s important to avoid needless busyness. It’s important to determine what is most needful and let the rest go.

Because Don and I made an intentional pact To Keep It Simple, we got what we needed and gave our family what they needed. It was a remarkable season. The sense of peace and joy came from doing less and not from doing it all. The whole point of the decision that Don and I made in 2011 was to live the principle of keeping it simple and peaceful. Our intentional efforts paid dividends.

May each of you have a simpler and more peaceful holiday season. I plan to do the same.

Intentionally keeping things simple will help us feel and be more successful.

If We Have Been Foolish, We Can Then Be Wise. It Is A Choice.

Parenting is a place to learn to grow as a person. Seriously. : ) Even now, when I’m caregiving, rather than parenting, I experience examples of this type of growth. It always takes me off guard because I would like to think that in almost 75 years, I had gotten this growth thing handled. Silly, because learning and personal growth are a lifetime endeavor.

This is one reason that berating ourselves when we do something foolish is not helpful. If we, instead, focus on what we just experienced, learn from it, and make a change, the experience becomes valuable. We also must realize that we may experience the same type of situation over again as we refine ourselves. It can feel discouraging if we let it, or it can feel illuminating. It’s a choice we get to make.

Today I am being vulnerable and sharing one of these growth moments.

I hope it brings a smile to your face and puts you in a thoughtful position about how you teach and communicate with your children.

My mother will be 95 in a few months and has advanced dementia. I have been caring for her for six years and you would think I have it down by now. But, as with parenting, we keep reexperiencing and refining our methods of response and teaching.

Recently, I got upset with my mom for emptying her porta-potty outside on the lawn, in the dark. She didn’t take it to the bathroom because someone was in there. I don’t like her emptying it day or night because she can’t carry it and use her cane. She also must navigate two stairs and the possibility of spillage is ever present. I empty it several times a day and she is usually totally unaware of it. But occasionally, she goes into housekeeping mode. She rearranges photos and nick-knacks in her room and wants to clean the porta-potty. This was one of those days.

As I expressed my unhappiness with her emptying the potty outside, she reminded me that she had lived on a farm. I replied, “Well, this isn’t a farm.” I told Mom she needed to ask for help when doing things like this. This was not a useful comment because for my mother every two minutes life begins again. Seriously, her tracked memory retention is 2 minutes. This was not a conversation she was going to remember. When I told her she needed to ask for help she said, “How do I ask?” I replied, “Say something like, ‘I want to empty the potty. Can I take it outside?’ I will tell you to put it in the toilet. Then we would go up the stairs together and take care of it.”

A useless conversation to be having with someone with dementia and I knew it but didn’t stop myself. As I thought about it later, I knew a better response would have been to let it go. She has never done it before and will probably never do it again. As for emptying the potty in the bathroom, occasionally she will because she can’t recall that she shouldn’t. I carried on with this conversation because I wasn’t being thoughtful about how to manage the situation. I was succumbing to my irritation. You all know what I’m talking about because you have done the same.

A few minutes later Mom came into my bedroom/office where I was working. She said she was ready to go to bed and asked me what she should do. This was a first. She has never needed help at bedtime before and she rarely lets anyone know she is heading to bed. I told her to remove her slacks, and that she usually sleeps in her shirt but does have PJ’s if she wanted them. She said she would take off the slacks and wear the shirt.

As I resumed working, I couldn’t get this odd conversation out of my mind. I assumed it was because I had told her to ask for help. By this point, she would have no recollection of that conversation, but I have learned that feelings remain. So, I went into her room and said, “Mom, you don’t need to ask about getting ready for bed. You’ve been doing fine by yourself for a long time.” Mom looked at me and replied, “It’s like I just woke up and don’t know where I am or what I am supposed to do.” It wasn’t about the porta-potty conversation but the hole that dementia leaves in a person’s life.

Although I knew my mom couldn’t recall the conversation, I wanted her to feel happy and not how being in trouble leaves you feeling. We did a lot of hugging and smiling. I told a joke and got her laughing. I wanted her to feel better. It worked. The joking and smiling helped her sleep well. Dementia is a challenge for those with the disease and those who care for them. Every day is a class in patience, controlling our response, and love.

We Sometimes Error

We sometimes have lame conversations with our kids because they didn’t do something in the way we would do it or in the adult way. Even though we know kids don’t think like adults we can’t seem to stop going on about whatever they did wrong. I did this in my parenting life. Later I would recall the exchange and wonder, “What I was thinking?”

Kids have lots to learn. We need to respond in ways that fit their age and the situation. Sometimes it’s better to let it go if it doesn’t really matter, and we’re just irritated because it wasn’t done in our way. We need to teach at their level and not keep reminding them that they didn’t consider the outcome or consequence, as an adult would.

However, if we occasionally forget to be the adult, there is a remedy, just as there was with my mom. Apologize if needed. Let them talk if they need to. Smile a lot. Give hugs because touch is healing Leave as friends.

Parenting is not an exact science

Most of us are working with fewer skills than needed and less knowledge and understanding than we would like. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t undo mistakes when we make them. Sometimes they are large mistakes, and the temptation is to feel we have ruined the relationship.

If you feel this now and then as you parent, I invite you to read I HIT MY DAUGHTER. WHAT!  I hit my teenage daughter with my fist. I was positive I couldn’t restore that relationship. However, I did, and I share what that looked like in the article. Seriously, sometimes I think I am too transparent but when it comes to other mothers who are learning, I can’t seem to help myself. LOL

I was a good mother. I’m a good daughter. In fact, I’m an amazing person, but I do dumb stuff now and then like the foolish conversation I had with my mom. But I have learned from a lifetime of caring for my family and now my mother, husband, and granddaughter, that when we error, we can also restore

When you know this truth, you do not fall apart and wallow in grief and fear. You say a prayer, gird up your loins, and do what you can to repair the damage It usually works.

Be brave as you parent. It isn’t only kids and teens who do foolish things. Sometimes it is us, but we, as adults can then do what is wise.

Time is My Friend. Well, I Am Working On It!

I’ve been journaling for decades. I don’t write every day or even every week. Some years I am more consistent than others. But I have recorded many experiences over the years, that were meaningful and taught me something valuable.

Several years ago, I began reading entries and if things had changed, I didn’t feel the same, or I had learned more, I made notes on a Post-It and stuck it on the journal page. In years to come, when my family reads what I recorded, the Post-It notes will make it even more meaningful.

Recently, I read an entry from Feb. 2023 that contained information I thought would be useful to some of you. It isn’t new. I’ve written on the power of story, the importance of perspective, and the value of controlling our thoughts often. But when you attach powerful ideas to an event, they become more relatable and easier to institute into one’s life.

In February 2023, I was taking an Emotional Resilience class. At the same time, I was endeavoring to come to terms with time because my story wasn’t helpful and I knew it. I wrote an article about my journey in March 2023.  Coming to terms with time is something I have been working on for years and I bet some of you are in that boat with me.

After class, at home, I reread the lesson. As I did, I had major insights. I knew they would help me with my negative story about time and I would move closer to becoming friends with time.

Here are some of the thoughts from 2023 that were recorded in my journal.

“I work hard by choice. I like working. It’s satisfying, helps me when I’m stressed, and it often feels restful. I know, it’s weird. But at the end of the day, when I have done more than most 30-year-olds, I feel let down. It doesn’t matter how much I did. You can never get everything on the list done, but if you do as much as you can, if you have prayed about what matters most and have moved through your day in that order, isn’t that enough? Often, not for me.

I’ve had a photo of me and time on my wall for over ten years and I’m smiling. The caption says, “Time is my friend.” I have changed the look a few times but there it is, still on my wall after all this time. Sigh! The lesson in my Emotional Resilience class was ‘Managing Stress and Anxiety’. The foundation principle was – Use time wisely. This lesson was for me! LOL

During the class, I realized I had allowed a negative time story to plague my mind for all of 2022 and into 2023. Here it is – No matter what I do, between noon and two my day shreds apart!” Since the class, I have observed myself. This story isn’t true.

However, I accepted it, and so at noon every day, I began feeling stress and anxiety. It’s true I have much to do, and there are many interruptions. That’s life, but I could see that the day didn’t shred and run away from me if I was paying attention. This one thing made last week much better.

As I moved through the week, this question came into my mind – What are your expectations about time? I had to think and become very honest with myself. The answer was embarrassing because I know better, but I’m human, and life is all about continuing to learn and refine. So here it is – “I should be able to get everything on my list done and there shouldn’t be any big interruptions. If I plan, then it should go the way I plan.” So NOT life!

What to do about that?

As I reread the lesson, I thought of things I could do to rewrite the story. I made some changes to my daily worksheet so that it was simpler to manage and there was less chance of overscheduling myself. I have made other changes to my daily worksheet that have simplified things.

Under the picture of me and time on my wall I added “It is a matter of perception and not time itself!” Then at the top of the items on my wall, I put – “If you do your best, it will all work out.” At any rate, I feel great excitement and hope for change.”

We are coming to the end of 2024.

I have made real progress. I have more days when I accept that I have done my best and am satisfied, than days I feel I didn’t do enough. My worksheet is still busy, but I am clear that all I need to do is carefully ponder what is most important, do them first, and then fit in whatever else I can. 

But here is the crux of this journal entry.

I had a story about time that wasn’t based on fact. It was based on a perception, and I wasn’t taking responsibility for my days. I was blaming others or circumstances for the choices I was making. I can’t control everything. There are many interruptions. Some things come up that aren’t on my list because I care for two people full-time, my special needs granddaughter, and three other teens, part-time. Life can become jumbled. Ultimately, I must make choices about where to spend my time and it isn’t always what I had in mind or on my worksheet. How my day feels are based on accepting my choices and not blaming others or circumstances. I have the power to choose.

If I choose to drive kids to school, to a friend, or to the gas station I make that choice. If I cook a more challenging meal, I choose to expend that time. If I work in the garden, sit, and write, or help a neighbor, these are choices. If I put my writing on the back burner and then find myself doing it all on Saturday, that is also a choice. I can say no, but If I choose to say yes, it’s a choice. No one is to blame but me and how I decided to use my time.

When it comes to the stories, we tell ourselves I like this thought from Buddha – All that we are is the result of what we have thought. For me, the challenges of 2022 and into 2023 came from a thought I held on to that was incorrect.

Taking responsibility for the choices I make, regarding how I choose to use my time, has changed my perception of time. There is time to do what matters even with interruptions and unplanned events if I am clear about what matters most today. It’s OK if everything doesn’t get done if the things that impact my relationships do.

I have made HUGE progress in my relationship with time. It’s all about perception and not time itself.

How Can We Consitently Say – You Are in My Thoughts, You Matter to Me?

I have a short list of thoughts/ideas I’m pondering. This list keeps important objectives at the front of my mind lest I forget. : )

In October I wrote this on the list – “How can I strengthen my relationship with each grandchild and great-grandchild despite age, technology, or distance.” There are impediments of time, finances, the ability to travel, different lifestyles, and beliefs, kids who are adults or teens, and technology, which often gets in the way of real connection.

With the grands I live with, I have been consistently doing things I taught parents over a decade ago – random touch, active listening, smiling, stopping, and looking at them when they’re talking to me. They’re all teens now and crafts, reading aloud, or chasing through the house have ended. Bummer!

Technology, despite texting, can get in the way of real connection. Recently, when I picked her up from school, my 14-year-old granddaughter asked me how I felt about the election, and we had a good conversation. SCORE! Today when I picked her up from school, she shared something that’s coming up in her life that she’s excited about. SCORE! My ten-year-old advice is making a difference in our relationship!

I’ve lived with these grands for over fourteen years, and I miss the fun we had when they were little, and despite their being teens, I want to do something fun with them now. I had an idea last week that I have been mulling over – “This Nov. throw a cookie party. Invite the kids and their friends. Send an invitation and ask them to RSVP. Then set them up to bake and decorate a few kinds of cookies that they take home.” I have decided to follow through on this idea. Their mom, Jodie, when asked, said they might not RSVP. It may be just me. : ) It will be an experiment. However, if it goes off well, it will be a connection moment, a memory maker, and fun. I will let you know how it goes.

Most of my grands live far away and I see them once every two years at our family reunion, which is always a huge success and so much fun. But once every two years isn’t much. I text those with phones and they respond. I ask questions and they answer, but texting isn’t all that fun or meaningful. Phone calls with the adult grands occasionally work, but they’re busy and often on the run. So am I! Nevertheless, I have each name on a list and reach out in one way or another each month. 

Phone calls with the younger grands have been a bust even when we use apps that let us see one another. They only connect for a few minutes and then are off. It doesn’t hold their attention long, so we quit doing it a few years ago.

Despite that, my youngest daughter and I have decided to have a face-to-face conversation with her three kids once a month, ages 12, 8, and 5. We know it will be short, but once a month, for five/ten minutes, beats once every two years. 

Gifts, although loved by kids, are not the same as connecting no matter how amazing or expensive. I know this from experience. My mom’s parents divorced when she was three. She rarely got to see her biological mom and by the time she was an adult, didn’t want to. However, Grandma Walker sent us gifts every birthday and Christmas. I loved her for it but never saw her until I was an adult, and then only twice. I missed having a relationship. I wish we had talked on the phone or been able to see each other, even if only once every two years. I should have made more effort, but you don’t know what you don’t know.

A few weeks ago, I made a call to my WA. Grands, Grandma Liesl, to see how they make it work. Her husband is a pilot, so they are lucky and can visit a few times a year. She had great reminders for me.

The First Reminder

When I am in WA, I do bed duty. I read a chapter in a book to my three grands and ask two questions – what is the best thing that happened today and what was hard? That leads to interesting if short, conversations. As I thought about it, I realized I could do this on the monthly call we’re instituting. Talking to Liesl got me to visit with Kate about the possibility. As I mentioned, we are returning to a call a month and will take whatever we can get from it, short or long.

The Second Reminder

When I was a mom of seven, I would occasionally write letters to my kids, even when they lived at home. Some of them kept the letters for years. I could say how much and why I loved them, and they could read and reread. I continued to do this when they were grown, until recently.

Since my first grandchild was born, I have sent cards with notes and real letters to all my grands. I would stick a piece of gum inside and became known as the Gum Grandma. Then one of my peers  told me nobody cares about cards and letters anymore and I wasted my time and money. I reached out to my readers and got a far different story from them. I kept it up for a few more years.

But technology kept advancing and I worried that this way of connecting had become outdated. For the last year or so I stopped doing it. Liesl reminded me that our mutual grands LOVE my letters and cards. She reminded me that they hang them on their walls. She said, “When I am there, they tell me you’re the Gum Grandma.” I had to laugh because they told me she was the Dancing Grandma. They put on music and dance. : )

Then Liesl shared what one of her adult kids, Curtis, said recently. “When you only send cards and not letters, I can’t reread them.” What, this from a grown man who uses all the available tech? He wants letters from his mom so he can reread them!

I am returning to my retro ways. I’m going to send cards and letters to my CA. Grands, and my CO. Grands and Great-grands. They, like my WA. Grands, care about them, even those who are teens or adults. (P.S. My daughter Kate reminded me to keep the letters short. LOL)

As I pondered this idea of connecting, I had a splendid idea on one of my daily walks. The idea was to include an anecdote from my life, Don’s, or my mother’s life in each card or letter. I know that hearing my stories will bond us over time. This will be meaningful to my family. When I share a school experience I had, some will relate, whether it was happy or sad. If I share a change I made, something scary I dealt with, or how I grew, it will plant a seed for them.

As I mentioned in an article called My Magnificent Birthday Gift on 2-28-21, if we give it all we’ve got as parents or grandparents, learn a little here and a bit more there, and then implement; if we remain consistent and speak kindly to ourselves as we change and grow, then it will be enough. As our children and grands watch us and observe our progress, we will give them a legacy to follow. There isn’t much that we can provide that is more powerful.

As my granddaughter Mary, who is almost 15, said a few years ago and repeated just this month, “Grandma, you and I are alike.” She was telling me about middle school. Then she said, “You were like that too, right grandma.” She remembered a story I told her when she first entered these hard years. Knowing that we are alike has given her heart. As she watches me, it is confirmed to her that if Grandma could manage middle school and remain herself, so can I.

Whether you’re a parent or grandparent, other relative, or friend/neighbor, we all have children we want to connect with. Some are close and others are far away. Some are small, some are teens, and some are adults, but as we saw in Curtis’s comment to his mom, they want to connect with us because they learn from us and feel our love. If you are close or far away from your children or grands find a way to connect consistently, whether the method is old-fashioned or more mainstream. What they take away from your efforts is an example of growth and that they mean something to you!

It will matter. It will say, you are in my thoughts, you are loved, you matter to me!


How to Determine a Successful Activity? Story 2

Let’s pick up where we left off last week. I shared a cookie-baking experience I had with some neighbor children, who were my buddies. Today, I share the second baking experience, one I had with two of my grandchildren. Watch for the connections as we explore how to determine a successful activity.

Story 2

The second cookie bake occurred some months after the first one. Maggie was four, and Jack was two. One day I called Jack and asked him what he was interested in. We were not living in the same home but close enough to meet weekly. He replied without hesitation, “Making cookies.” The Spark!

I put some thought into how we could do this. After all, it hadn’t been long since Story 1, and Maggie had severe cerebral palsy. How could I make this a fun learning experience without breaking my patience bank? LOL

I turned the written recipe into a picture recipe. I learned from my Story 1 experience that when you can’t read, a recipe is hard to manage. I wasn’t all that techy, but with a Word doc. and some pictures, I figured it out. It only took about 15 minutes. : )

Because they were 2 and 4, I didn’t differentiate measurements, just how many cups or spoons we needed to use. If there was more than one teaspoon, I would show two spoons in the recipe. Another thing I had learned from the Story 1 experience. If I had been working with older children, we would have discussed different cup measurements and found the cup or spoon that matched the fraction in the recipe. I have done this with my older grands for years. They don’t get bored, and cookie baking has become a tradition, a true bonding experience.

I had all the ingredients on the table when they came over to bake. Another thing I learned from Story 1, no time to fight while I got organized. LOL Since these two were calmer than the first and larger group, we were able to talk about what each ingredient did. Salt, for example, isn’t used to make cookies saltier; it enhances the taste. Hmmm, new word! Sugar makes cookies sweet. Flour and eggs are the structural ingredients in baking; they give cookies substance. Two more new words. Baking soda is for fluffiness, and you can clean your dog with it too! This fluffiness is called leaven, another new word. This was a new word day and they loved it.

We looked through the picture recipe and talked about what we needed to do. At the bottom, it told us to set the oven to 375 degrees. Jack helped me find the number 375 on the oven. Each of us took a turn measuring an ingredient. After each addition, we stirred. It takes a lot of stirring for children to get it all mixed, so stirring after each addition is very helpful. Besides, stirring was the most fun part for them. : )

The recipe said to roll the dough into balls. Maggie couldn’t use her hands well enough to do this, even with help, and Jack was totally disinterested. They took a break in the living room while I rolled the balls. However, they loved rolling them in sugar and putting them on the pan.

We learned to read the recipe and figure out what went into cookies, as well as lots of counting as we determined how many spoons and cups, we needed. They heard new words. The children liked being able to figure out which ingredient was next. It was more fun than having Grandma say, “OK, now we need flour.”

This activity took lots of time. Because Maggie had no control of her arms and hands, there was a mess as I helped her measure and stir. I live with these grands now. They are 16 and 18. The bond we made back then is helping us navigate them being teens. The time was well spent, and the mess was worth it!

Each cookie-baking experience was different but notice that the outcome was the same. The children learned a few things and had a great time. They were pleased with the outcome because I remained pleased, even though it took lots of time, there was a mess, and things didn’t always go as planned. When we pay attention to what is sparking our kids or we use something we’re interested in to spark them, the outcome can be a fun-filled learning activity.

When we let our adult expectations go and remember that structure, consistency, and presence trump everything else, we will have powerful activities, even if they don’t go as planned. Those neighbor kids are still connected with me, and it’s been over thirteen years since we lived in the same town. My grands, who now live in the same home as I do, come to me for help with all kinds of things because they trust me, know I care, and I love them. So, take the time to structure family activities, be consistent, and be present.  Then use Sparks, yours, or theirs.

You will see a strong connection grow that will last.


How to Determine a Successful Activity – Story 1

In the article published on Oct. 13, I told you I LOVE using sparks and that in the coming months, I would share experiences I have had with them that can Spark you with bonding activities for your family.

As promised, here is a spark I followed with two groups of children. However, I want you to notice something else as important as following a spark or igniting one. Often, we let our expectations get in the way of learning and fun. As I said in my book, Becoming A Present Parent, “Keep expectations from getting in the way of enjoying your family…Keep the perfect from becoming the enemy of the good. The point is not what you teach, or how well it looks, but being together while you’re Present.”

Because this article would have been excessively long with both experiences, I have created two articles. Each tells one story, and next week I will tie them together.

Story 1

I befriended a woman in my neighborhood with three daughters and a live-in nephew. The children and I became buddies. I took them to church, visited often, and we had a weekly activity night. They loved it, and I learned things about working with children as we played together.

When I moved away, I stayed connected with the family. Eventually, we were on social media together. They hadn’t forgotten the bond we forged when they were little. In the last couple of years, I have made a graduation cake for Kyle and a quinceañera cake for Daniela.

At the time this activity took place, the kids had been begging to make cookies, the spark. Because these little guys were 7, 4, 4, and 2 and could be a handful, I had been putting it off. Fortunately, I didn’t wait long enough for the spark to die.

During the cookie activity, nothing went as planned. The kids began fighting from the get-go. I sat them down and told them the few rules I have when I cook – no fighting, take turns, and don’t criticize each other. They didn’t hear a word I said, and as we began again, the fighting renewed. I retired to the living room, and as I went, I said, “Call me when you’re ready to cook.” After a good five minutes, they saw I was serious about the fighting and came and got me.

We talked about measuring ingredients – how many ½’s are needed for one cup, etc. We talked about teaspoons and tablespoons. They began measuring, as I reminded them frequently that they were in charge of themselves and not each other. We learned about baking and how to work as a team and get along. : )

By the time we finished, the two-year-old had tasted the shortening, one of the 4-year-olds had been in the flour to her elbow, oatmeal was all over the table, and the other 4-year-old was eating the sugar. Patience! I mentally reminded myself that kids and adults don’t think alike and that fun and learning were the objects here.

Eventually, we rolled balls of dough and flattened them on the pan, except for one of the 4-year-olds. She was creating sculptures. I eventually parceled her dough to everyone else so we could finish baking them. She was not a happy camper.

While the first batch was in the oven, they all deserted me for the living room and their mom, who had company. As I cleaned up the gigantic mess, I kept repeating, “Kids and adults don’t think alike, and it is OK. Kids aren’t concerned with the outcome; the experience is what counts. Adults feel frustrated when they enter a project with adult expectations, and it doesn’t meet those expectations. What kids really want is your time and to know you cared enough to plan.” I felt the frustration going down.

When the first batch finished baking, the kids were back in the kitchen, ready to take them off the pan. Very few made it off in one piece. By the time they were all baked, we had a plate of large crumbs and a kitchen full of happy children. We sang a bunch of songs and ate the crumbs, which they were delighted with. They were excited about the next activity. It was going to be Play-Doh! Yup, the spark I saw as we rolled the cookie balls.

They had tons of messy fun, learned a few things about measuring cups and spoons, and how to work as a team, and felt our bond increase.

The fact that we stuck with the project made it a success for them.

Tune in next week and I will share story 2 and tie them together for you – how can you tell if an activity is successful? : )