• Be Careful Not to Put Management Ahead of Relationship

    I had a funny conversation with a single dad. We were talking about how to keep things clean and how to get our kids to clean. I noticed he wasn’t an efficient housekeeper. He felt he was doing ok, and it was ok, just not very clean. : ) This comes from someone who was a professional housekeeper for almost...


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  • Managing What Is and Where You Are

    I had a conversation last March with a young friend. Yes, it has taken me over a year to figure out how to share our conversation. The topic is challenging, and I am busy caregiving. This last comment leads us into my conversation with my friend. She was overwhelmed and felt like a parenting and personal failure. She wanted to know...

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  • Choose The Scenic Route

    I have the privilege of having a granddaughter with severe cerebral palsy. Whenever anyone finds out they always respond with, "Oh, I am so sorry." They don't need to be sorry. Maggie is one of the happiest human beings I know. Her mother loves her and magnificently cares for her. I have the privilege of living in a four-generation home...

  • Anne Murdock – Cleaning –Why Am I in Such a Mess

    Anne Murdock just retired from decades of working with special needs children. That is our big link, as I have a special needs granddaughter. We met in church and became fast friends. Although I moved, we have stayed in touch. Recently we began meeting for lunch. We each drive about 30 minutes and it has been fun. A few months ago,...

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Mary Ann Johnson | Relationship Transformations for Busy Parents, 2017

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