I LOVE history. However, I got miserable grades in history at school. How could that be when I loved history? As I have learned over time, memorizing dates, places, and names was a challenge for me. But when I understood what was happening to the people during the times they lived I could remember what mattered.
Reading together as a family has magic in it. Reading history as a family can lead to real learning and some amazing discussions. Why not give it a try.
Here is a list of some stellar children and youth historical fiction books. If I have read the book it has a star beside it. If I LOVED the book, it has two stars. On many, I have made a few comments.
By the way, if you have tried reading as a family unsuccessfully, then why not download the FREE chapter of my book Becoming a Present Parent: Connecting with your Children in Five Minutes or Less. In Chapter Four – Touchpoints – you will find some helpful information about making family reading time work for you.
Enjoy reading with your family. Download the PDF HERE.