
Relationship Transformations for Busy Parents is an online gathering place for women and men who want to enjoy parenting more, who want real relationships with each other and their kids, who want to feel more successful and hopeful in their parenting efforts. It’s a place to freely ask the hard questions and to let others ask theirs without judgment or condemnation, knowing we are all doing the best we can. That’s why we’ve all stopped by this place, because we want to do what we do even better; mall steps taken consistently over time make better parents of us all.

Relationship Transformations is now a daily Present Parenting boot camp for thousands. Weekly I receive letters and emails from women and men who are engaged in the terrible and wonderful task of parenting. Answering their heartfelt questions and sharing their stories with them is one of the great responsibilities and honors of my life—as is traveling to meet my Present Parents in Training, in person. They invite me to their cities, and I speak or teach workshops on the triumphs and Waterloos of parenting. We become less afraid together; more convinced that we can do this amazing thing we have taken on – helping a younger version of ourselves reach adulthood knowing that they matter! Then I stay to thank each one for their courage, kindness and desire to be better. No one ever has to rush.

Being a Present Parent was daunting for me. Being a real person was scary. Watching my kids traverse growing up and doing it with imperfect parents was painful. I talk with moms and dads everyday who have experienced the very same pain and fear. But when it was all shaken together my family fared far better than I thought we would. We’re connected and bonded in amazing ways. We look out for one another. The kids support each other and lean on each other. We’re still a family! This community of men and women, parents, who want their families to thrive also, are here to support one another. Join us. We’re in this parenting thing together and we can succeed!
Here’s to a well-lived and Present day,

Mary Ann

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to speak with me at the end of the closing keynote address… I didn’t realize all the emotion I had bottled-up inside me! Those few minutes spent with you touched my heart and I truly feel like your advice and “assignments” have helped direct me in making some positive changes in my life as a woman, wife, mother and a newbie homeschooler. I will forever be grateful to you! And, I will stay-in-touch…I could use a personal mentor and coach! 😉

Stacie Randall, OR.